Call: 661-600-2070
We Keep the HUMAN in Human Resources!

Are you having challenges in attracting employees in this low unemployment environment?
Are your employees being compensated fairly?
Have you reviewed job and salary data in your industry or geographic area?
BestComp is a “Wage & Salary Compensation Program” customized specifically for your company. At JorgensenHR, our BestComp programs are designed to deliver a competitive, cost-effective compensation plan which integrates your unique management needs and corporate goals.
What’s more, our BestComp programs will develop expertise within your organization to ensure the best implementation and continuing revision of your program so compensation policies stay current with today’s rapidly changing marketplace.
- Develop Multiple Compensation Levels. BestComp addresses each level of a company differently in regards to compensation.
- Attract & Retain Qualified Employees
- Control & Standardize Pay Processes for Growing Companies
- Link Clear & Cost-Effective Pay Processes for Growing Companies
- Improve Individual’s Efficiencies. At JorgensenHR we believe that by improving the efficiency of each and every individual, we will improve the overall efficiency of the company.
- Individual and/or Group Incentive Plans
- Job Standards
- Assessment Systems
- Definitive Job Surveys. Knowledge of how others in the industry view a job level is always insightful.
- Job Content & Description
- Market Survey
The “Best” Way to Learn More About BestComp
Call JorgensenHR Today
(661) 600-2070
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