Call: 661-600-2070
We Keep the HUMAN in Human Resources!

Is your HR department drowning in paper?
Have you thought about going paperless but didn’t know how?
Do you want to explore the possibilities of a cloud HR system?
JorgensenHR can assist you in exploring whether a paperless system is right for your company, conduct an analysis, review possible solutions, recommend and help implement a HR cloud system.
HR technology can reduce human error in data management, reduce employee recruitment cycles and stay compliant with HR and Labor Laws. HRIS systems can increase productivity, efficiency and employee engagement.
Our analysis includes a review of:
- Applicant Tracking
- Benefits Administration
- Core HR Functions
- Compliance Support
- Data Analytics
- Employee Engagement
- Employee Self-Service
- Learning & Development
- Mobile Applications
- Payroll Processing
- Performance Management
- Scalability
- Time & Attendance
The “Best” Way to Learn More About BestHRTech
Call JorgensenHR Today
(661) 600-2070
email us at