California law requires employers to post a notice that includes information regarding employees’ rights and protections under the state’s whistleblower laws. AB 2299 requires the California labor commissioner to create and publish a model notice of employees’ rights and responsibilities under the state’s whistleblower law. The labor commissioner recently published the model notice.

Employers are free to develop their own posting with the required information, however, so long as the lettering is at least 14-point typeface and the posting includes the state’s whistleblower hotline number: 1-800-952-5225. The notice must be posted as of January 1, 2025.

All employers in California should ensure they are in compliance with this and other notice-posting requirements. A regular review and audit of these posting requirements is recommended.

What About Remote Employees?

The law does not provide any guidance regarding how employees working remotely should receive the notice. However, Labor Code Section 1207 allows employers to distribute information to employees by email with the document or documents attached. For remote workers, the employer should distribute the required notice (along with other required postings) via email, but that does not alter an employer’s obligation to physically display notices in the workplace.

If you would like further information on this posting requirement or the myriad of posters, notices and brochures employers are required to provide please contact with us at 661-600-2070 or

Resource: Printable Whistleblowers Notice (PDF)

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