Employers with five or more employees (including temporary or seasonal employees) still must conduct sexual harassment training for all employees before January 1, 2021.  If you have your employees working remotely, now might be a good time to take advantage of our discounted rate for our online Sexual Harassment Prevention Training.

The law requires employers to conduct sexual harassment prevention training for:

  • all non-supervisory employees for a least one hour and
  • all supervisory, management employees or active owners for at least two hours

For temporary or seasonal employees, employers must provide sexual harassment prevention training within 30 calendar days after the hire date, or within 100 hours worked if the employee will work for less than six months.

Our discounted individual online training rates are as follows:

  • $18 per employee
  • $30 per supervisor, manager or active owner
  • Group pricing is available for companies with more than 50 employees

We are also here to help with any human resources needs during these difficult times.

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